
Hmmmm, this is my blog, useless and all but if U like it enjoy! just be warned. I like nonsens, my writing is lousy, and I have a tendency to mix languages...

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Great Opening!

Hmmmm this is my first post.... so lets explain what I wanna do here .... actually I don't really know .... maybe just put some little stuff which gets into my lousy brain and I should write down befor I forget... so I will just warn U about some stuff :

  • I often say, think, write, nonsens ... it a sort of way of life I think, so if you don't understand...... U can try asking me to explain better if you think it is interessting, else just ignore it...
  • My writing is lousy, if U haven't noticed yet, lots of mistakes, so if U see some and find that it is bad and U are choked and stuf... tel me then will maybe correct it... what do U expect I am a lazy scientific, ask me some maths crap, I will know but gramatic and stuff... useless....
  • One last thing, right now am writing english, but actually could happen that some post are in other languages, or with words or sentences in other languages... could be due to some identity problems of me so be warned....
So lets start!


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